Letters to the Editor

A poem: Wise at last

Editor’s note: If you would like to submit a letter for possible publication, please email it to editor@rationalist.com.au. See our Publishing Guidelines.

Dear Editor,

Australia is so very old,

The people from there too.

Sixty thousand years I’m told,

Just hundreds for the new.


The problems caused twixt new and old

Have never near made good,

Always trying white man’s mould,

With no success and never could.


Top-down force to make things right

Was always bound to fail.

For years we have not seen the light,

Our woeful endless tale.


With ‘The Statement from the Heart’,

At last, a chance to heal.

A civilised future now can start.

All seek a fairer deal. 


We’ll have ‘The Voice’ to hear from all,

Brainstorming from all sides.

First Nation’s leaders; hear their call.

At last, we can be wise.


A ‘Treaty’, fair, long overdue.

‘Truth-telling’ managed too.

Justice now for all to view.

‘Terra Nullius’ to undo.


As Australians, we will be

On a path that’s been denied.

Champions of ‘fair go’ are we,

Together on one side.


Tony Krins

Dealing with nonsense
Dear Editor,

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