Editor’s note: If you would like to submit a letter for possible publication, please email it to editor@rationalist.com.au. See our Publishing Guidelines.
Dear Editor,
I have followed the saga of the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ reviewing of Census questions. I am appalled that the religion question will, for the next Census in 2026, remain the same as it was previously – ‘What is the person’s religion?’
I had inferred from ABS reports during the public consultation period that the ABS pretty much expected the proposed question, ‘Do you have a religion?', would go ahead, given that the ABS had highlighted the bias in the existing question. The final decision is, therefore, a complete about-face.
The number of people, including myself, who have no religion is increasing hugely and we appear to have been treated like political footballs.
The excuse in the information on the ABS website reads like an exercise in impenetrable contortion. Clearly, there has been political pressure and a subjugation to a few voices from religious institutions.
This decision demeans the credibility of the ABS as an impartial data collector.
Yvonne Patterson
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