Ethics & Religion

Can ethical leaders make teams more creative?

The ubiquity of social media means that in today’s business environment, an organisations’ actions are highly visible to the public. ...
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A country retreating from faith

The 2021 census reveals a society in transformation. In terms of religion, the earth is shifting beneath our feet. Rocketing ...
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The religion question: Counting down to the census results

The results of the 2021 census are due to be released at the end of this month. One of the ...
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Affirming same-sex marriage in the Anglican Church

Every three years, Anglicans from across Australia gather for our national synod, a five-day meeting to discuss important issues affecting ...
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Anzac Day: Religious services are turning veterans away

I didn’t attend the Anzac dawn service this year. In truth, I have not attended a dawn service for over ...
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Challenging the Jesus myth theory

“I believe that no discovery of fact, however trivial, can be wholly useless to the race, and that no trumpeting ...
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Why does Stan Grant’s opinion about religion pass as ‘analysis’ on the ABC?

We recall the controversy surrounding Emma Alberici’s 2018 article about corporate tax cuts. Subsequently, the ABC judged it to have ...
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Has the pandemic fundamentally changed our ethics?

Over the past two years, our lives have changed in unprecedented ways. In the face of the pandemic, we have ...
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This matter of Christmas and hope

On 19 December, the ABC online ran an essay by Stan Grant under the title ‘With Christianity receding and many ...
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Shaming unvaccinated people has to stop

“Unvaccinated mother, 27, dies with coronavirus as her father calls for fines for people who refuse jab.” This is the ...
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When rationalist Anne Lennon exposed church’s selling of ‘indulgences’

In the Roman Catholic Church, a ‘novena’ is a devotion in which special prayers or services are repeated on nine ...
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Why religious conservatives are hitting the panic button

In the 1950s, Australians were constantly being told to be aware of the dangers of communist infiltration of our institutions. ...
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