Ethics & Religion

The faithless in foxholes

There is an old saying – there are no atheists in foxholes. In reality, modern soldiers are unlikely to be ...
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George Brandis and the Christian persecution complex

Attending the Religious Freedom roundtable in November 2015 on behalf of the Rationalist Society of Australia, I was bemused by ...
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Andrew Denton: Report reveals gulf between conservative Christian politics and voters

This foreword appears in the newly published Religiosity in Australia: Religion and politics. In May of 2022, as New South ...
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Christ’s commanders

This article is the third in a series on religion in the Australian Defence Force. Read the first article here. ...
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Losing faith in Defence chaplaincy

This article is the second in a series on religion in the Australian Defence Force. Read the first article here. ...
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The committee of clerics lording it over Defence

This article is the first in a series on religion in the Australian Defence Force. Every three months, Australian taxpayers ...
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In the Defence Force, religion is a barrier to care – and it shouldn’t be

In February 2018, as head of the Royal Australian Navy’s Chaplaincy Branch I attended an international Chiefs of Chaplains conference ...
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A more ethical way to buy animal-source foods

If you have $6.50 and you want to buy 12 eggs, you could either spend it all on 12 free-range ...
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Proselytising through military doctrine

To the casual observer, the inclusion of religious concepts in the Australian Army’s warfighting doctrine would seem to be a ...
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Is Christian nationalism being written out of the 6 January story?

When they entered the Senate chamber on 6 January 2021, a group of insurgents stopped and bowed their heads in ...
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Reasons to be hopeful for more accurate Census data on religion

At the 2021 Census, we’d like to think that our Census21 – Not Religious? campaign was moderately influential, at the ...
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How Christians on both sides of abortion divide appeal to the Bible

In the days since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, which had established the constitutional right to an abortion, ...
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