Welcome to Rationale
The decisions we make
By Elizabeth Dangerfield
The new year is well and truly over, and most Australians are back to their normal lives. Which is another way of saying that the vast majority of people have given up on their New Year resolutions. It is a pity that many people give up their resolutions so easily, as they can provide a fork in the road leading to better outcomes.
Why is it that we don’t choose to do what we know is good for us? I think we all know the answer to that – it is all too difficult! It is easy to succumb to short-term gratification and give in to our basic human nature.

"We may impulsively act on our most basic instincts and be swayed by our prejudices and fears. We may rationalise our choices or, if we are conscientious, base them on the best available evidence. Our individual choices are important and can change the world. Each is a fork in the road."
Elizabeth Dangerfield
Behavioural science helps explain why we miss autocratic red flags
Ralph Hertwig
The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 paved the way for the democratisation of many eastern European countries and ...
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The end of coal and the nuclear red herring
John Quiggin
Coal has had its day as Australia’s key energy source — regardless of what politicians driving an energy debate full ...
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The decisions we make
Elizabeth Dangerfield
The new year is well and truly over, and most Australians are back to their normal lives. Which is another ...
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MBJ’s view
Matt Bissett-Johnson
See current affairs through the eyes of cartoonist Matt Bissett-Johnson. Published 14 March 2025.
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Are our thoughts ‘real’?
Sam Baron
You can doubt just about anything. But there’s one thing you can know for sure: you are having thoughts right ...
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Having secular government spaces helps us respect religious differences
Heather Champion
This is a lightly edited transcript of a speech opposing a motion to reinstate Christian prayers in formal government meetings ...
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