Philosophy & Psychology
The decisions we make
Elizabeth Dangerfield
The new year is well and truly over, and most Australians are back to their normal lives. Which is another ...
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Are our thoughts ‘real’?
Sam Baron
You can doubt just about anything. But there’s one thing you can know for sure: you are having thoughts right ...
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The quest to extend human life
Richard Gunderman
“Who wants to live forever?” Freddie Mercury mournfully asks in Queen’s 1986 song of the same name. The answer: quite ...
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How psychologists kick-started AI by studying the human mind
Armita Zarnegar
Many people think of psychology as being primarily about mental health, but its story goes far beyond that. As the ...
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Can you choose to believe something, just like that?
Mark Boespflug
Some years ago, I was in a lively conversation with a software developer about arguments for and against God’s existence. ...
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Can reason survive in a sea of emotion?
Elizabeth Dangerfield
We are facing the growing challenge of how to respond incisively and effectively to curb the movements away from rational ...
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Can we save liberalism by becoming better liberals?
Thomas Lalevée
Liberalism is at a turning point. The rise of the far right in Western democracies has challenged liberal values and ...
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Why we haven’t solved the smacking issue
Gary Bakker
An article appeared in my local newspaper in Tasmania recently on the issue of smacking children. I’m sure you’ve seen ...
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Are our choices pre-determined?
Jonathan Meddings
As I write these words, could I be writing something else? It seems intuitive to think I could. If I ...
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Hannah Arendt: A thinker for our times
Ned Curthoys
Lyndsey Stonebridge begins We Are Free to Change the World, her illuminating biography of Hannah Arendt, by reminding us of her ...
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A philosophy of hope for a post-political era
Filippo Menozzi
The US philosopher and literary critic, Fredric Jameson, once claimed that it is “easier to imagine the end of the world than ...
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Michel Foucault’s philosophy still speaks to a world saturated with social media
Cameron Shackell
Forty years after his death in Paris on June 25, 1984, many of Michel Foucault’s once radical ideas now seem ...
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