Business & Economics

How tax phobia cramps our future

For many years, Australian governments with a vision for the nation have been hamstrung in their ability to fully realise ...
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Home to roost: Getting out of our housing mess

Whoever wins this week’s election will inherit an Australian economy that is more distorted than it has been since the ...
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What the neoliberalism-hating left should love about markets

It is fashionable these days to dunk on markets. Show me something bad in the world and I’ll show you ...
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Australia’s economic challenges – and the political implications

The federal budgets brought down in 2020 and 2021 during the height of the pandemic were thought to be some ...
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Generations apart: Housing and inequality

When Sonia Arakkal, co-founder of the advocacy group Think Forward, saw the 2017 federal budget, she resolved to do something ...
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Dollar signs of the times: Big business and climate change

The upcoming Glasgow Climate Change Conference will feature presentations from many politicians, experts and consultants, but it is unlikely that ...
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The climate change debate will not be settled by science, but by money

The intense debate over what is dubbed ‘climate science’ is showing no signs of easing off. It remains one of ...
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The illogic of global finance

There are two things that should be understood about the global financial markets as the world faces what is being ...
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