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Letters to the Editor

Charity for the rich

Editor’s note: If you would like to submit a letter for possible publication, please email it to editor@rationalist.com.au. See our ...
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Law & Politics

Proposed mis- and disinformation laws need to have clearer definitions

Dealing with misinformation and disinformation, particularly in political debate, is something that has perplexed governments around the world. How do ...
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Law & Politics

Andrew Leigh’s rose-coloured religious glasses

Andrew Leigh, who grew up in a religious family, may now be a self-described atheist, but he views religion through ...
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Law & Politics

Where’s the ‘honour’ in an ‘honour killing’?

Earlier this year, a father defended the attempted so-called ‘honour killing’ of his own daughter in South Australia’s Supreme Court with the ...
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Business & Economics

The transformation of the world economy

In geoeconomic and financial terms, the Earth has begun shifting on its axis. Triggered by the West’s proxy war with ...
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Science & Health

How science really works

This article is part of our ‘Celebrate Science’ feature series to mark National Science Week, 10-18 August 2024.  A man ...
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